Our Passion Fruit

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The passion fruit is a tropical fruit that isn’t very well known in Europe.  This is probably a result of its not so versatile nature and its special need for a specific climate.  Thanks to the environmental conditions of our Finca La Salada, at Finca La Salada, we have managed to cultivate this wonderful fruit of passion, a name that incidentally reflects our way of agricultural living and identifies with our logo, the heart.  We have worked hard to cultivate the best varieties of the purple passion fruit as there are 400 different types to choose from.  Finally, we have found the perfect passion fruit according to our criteria which satisfies requirements of productivity, flavour and post-harvest shelf life.

At Finca La Salada, we are proud to provide this lesser known superfood to so many people as it possesses characteristics worthy to be tasted by everyone.  We’re sure it’ll become one of your favourite fruits.

Speaking of superfoods, several studies have confirmed various benefits of including passion fruit in our daily diet:

  • Helps insomnia, as it works as a natural relaxant.
  • It cares for the skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and keeps the skin radiant and healthy.
  • Controls body acidity.
  • Combats constipation due to its high fibre content.
  • Activates natural defences and strengthens the immune system thanks to its vitamin C content and antioxidant composition.
  • Helps to lose weight, since it is largely made up of water and fibre.
  • Reduces cholesterol as the seeds contain a large amount of fibre
  • Improves eyesight, due to the vitamin A it contains, which also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs to function properly.
  • Strengthens bones as it provides calcium to keep our bones and joints in good condition.
  • Fights anaemia due its high iron content which makes it very effective in preventing this illness.

But all of these benefits wouldn’t be so impressive if it weren’t for the fact that we are talking about a fruit so luscious in flavour.  Our Finca La Salada passion fruits without a doubt possess a tropical flavour surpassing excellence combined with an exotic aroma and a flavour which contrasts sweet with just a hint of sour.  Definitely an experience not to be missed!

The passion fruit is a climbing plant which demands a lot of labour and the need for special soil conditions.  This gives us the passion fruit, a very exclusive and limited fruit.


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